Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Helping others

Well it's been a while since my last blog.. About a year actually. I have finished my next book but just having issues with the cover... It'll be out soon enough... However, that is not the reason for my blog. I just wanted to share with you how wonderful my wife is. Despite being poorly, she has epilepsy, she works near on full time and has set up her own charity. Purple Owl is to raise awareness of epilepsy. She's wonderful, determined and clever as well as focused and funny.. I love her immensely. I'm proud to be a trustee of this charity and will do everything to support her in it. If anyone knows someone who suffers from epilepsy tell them to get in touch to see how we can help. Email -Charitypurpleowl@yahoo.com or text/call +44 7752 128212
Funny how despite having loads of issues themselves, people still want to help others.